The blog's under construction now.
Things might look really ugly, so ugly that you'll want to ball your eyes out.
So read at your own risk.
Announcement Box

Hey there, thanks for visiting. The construction work for the blog has just finished except for one thing and that's the lounge section, as always. (For some reason, it's always incomplete)
For old viewers, here are what I've did to my blog, in case you didn't notice:
- removed Archive page cause it's high maintenance
- changed the gallery to an Instagram feed
- installed FontAwesome
- created a Music Player for the lounge, no longer do you need to look at millions of play buttons, just click and play
- newly written About page
- header image can now be changed but only for Home and inside of posts, toggle it away with the up arrow if you need to
- added different header images for all other pages
Have fun reading about me whining. ;)


Aug 17, 2010


Recently, I've been having a lot of headaches. Let's have a song to ease a bit of the pain.

I really need all these music to live on. The headache is killing me and I don't think there's gonna be a stopping for it. It's not that I'm going on an advertisement for music but they really do "heal" me. Plus, the goddamn PMR is creeping near every second and that's giving me the creeps. I can't actually read things into my head for now. Getting a 12 position in class is really something encouraging but I think that's gonna be the my first and last time having that position. I don't have any confidence to score like that for the second time. Thanks to that position, I'm getting more and more complimentary in class and I don't really feel natural at all. I wasn't the bright boy in class and not all invited. Now, let me forget that part before I go nuts with all that pressure.

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